We're experiencing issues with phone lines for some services in Rochdale (01706 numbers).

Our network provider is working on the issue, but this may take a couple of days. Other local organisations are also affected.

Visit our page with alternative contact details.

Beech Ward (HMR)
Beech Ward is a 16-bed mixed gender ward for older people. We care for people with a range of mental health illnesses.

If you are admitted to Beech Ward, you will receive a comprehensive assessment of your mental and physical health needs.

Your care will be provided by our mental health nurses, nursing associates, nursing assistants and occcupational therapists. Other health care professionals, such as pharmacists, psychologists and physiotherapists can also support you.

We have close links with lots of other services to ensure you have a timely discharge from hospital, with appropriate follow-up care.

We're based on the Birch Hill Hospital site, click here for a site map.