Published on: 30th September 2020

We’re inviting drivers with dementia to take part in an interview for a research project.

Dementia driving.jpgYour feedback will help to develop a useful resource which supports UK drivers, who have dementia or memory loss, with decisions on when to retire from driving.

What's required

As a participant, you will be asked to read a booklet and provide your views on the content.

The interview will be a one-to-one meeting which will be held online (using Zoom) or over the phone. This should take 30-60 minutes.

All responses to the interview will be collected anonymously and treated confidentially.

You will receive a £30 gift voucher for taking part, along with a draft copy of the UK dementia and driving decision aid booklet.

How to take part

If you’re interested, or for more information, please contact Alessandra Merizzi or Stephanie Papoulias on 0161 716 2792, or

About the researchers

Alessandra is a clinical psychologist and Stephanie is an assistant psychologist with our Oldham memory service. The research is being conducted alongside the University of Wollongong (Australia).