The learing opportunities we provide are: Nursing
Learning disability
Mental health nursing
Applied health professionals
Pharmacy (mental health and learning disability services)
Physiotherapy (mental health and learning disability services)
Psychological therapies (mental health and learning disability services)
Speech and language therapy (mental health and learning disability services)
Occupational therapy (mental health and learning disability services)
Medics/paramedics (mental health and learning disability services)
Social work (mental health and learning disability services)
As a student experiencing one of our learning opportunities, you will have a dedicated practice education facilitator who will help support you and your manager. Your practice education facilitator provides a link between us and the universities to ensure the integration of theory and practice.
If you are a mental health nursing, learning disability nursing or allied health professional student based within the UK who's looking for a learning opportunity, we also consider elective requests.
Our practice education facilitators cover all boroughs and staff groups. Their full details are below - you can also contact them by emailing Julie Hardman Tel: 0161 716 2808 Mobile: 07973 238616 Ruth Dawber Tel: 0161 716 3460 Mobile: 07786747786 Clinical educator for trainee nursing associates: Christine Saunders Mobile: 07920419149
We love to receive as many student evaluations as we can to help us develop and improve your experience.
Please ask your students to complete the online evaluation or email their evaluation to our practice education faciliators:
The charter was developed by a range of health and social care learners, service users/carers, and health and social care professionals working in placement providers and higher education institutions in the North West.
A series of ‘learning environment pledges’, and ‘rights, roles and responsibilities of all learners’ in all health and social care learning environments are stated, to instil the values and behaviours embedded within the NHS Constitution and Health Education England’s NHS Education Outcomes Framework. This was reviewed in 2019.
The overall aim is to achieve excellence in learning, leading to excellence in the delivery of health and social care by learners in their future careers. The charter is to be displayed in all environments where learning takes place.