It sets out the criteria that must be met before compulsory measures can be taken, along with protections and safeguards for patients.
Visit the NHS website to read more about the Mental Health Act.
Independent mental health advocates
Independent mental health advocates (IMHAs) can help you to participate in decisions about your care and treatment, and make you aware of your rights and how to exercise them. To be eligible to receive the help of an IMHA, you have to be a 'qualifying patient'.
Visit our independent mental health advocates page for more information.
Care Quality Commission - Mental Health Act
Since April 2009, the CQC has been responsible for monitoring the use of the Mental Health Act in relation to those patients detained in hospital, subject to guardianship or placed on a community treatment order.
Each year they publish reports using the findings of commissioners, who visit wards and meet with patients to ensure that the act's powers are being used correctly.
They also use information from second opinion appointed doctors (SOADs) who visit wards to ensure prescribed treatment is appropriate.
The CQC publishes a number of documents on its own site including guidance notes for professional working with the Mental Health Act. You can access this site by visiting