We promote early diagnosis of dementia and provide emotional and practical support to help you live well with dementia.
We visit you at home to carry out our initial assessments.
You can contact our team on 0161 716 2792 or Oldhammas@nhs.net
You may need help from local services as your dementia progresses, we've put some more info below to help with accessing support:
3. We will discharge you from memory service once this input is complete
We aim to offer you an appointment with a memory liaison practitioner (a specialist nurse) within three weeks. It can take longer to access appointments with other clinicians in the team. You may need more than one appointment.
We can offer different types of appointment depending on what you need:
• Telephone review with a memory liaison practitioner
• Bookable 1:1 support and advice sessions (face-to-face)
• Outpatient psychiatry appointment in memory clinic
• Review at home
We offer three groups for patients and carers following a dementia diagnosis. These groups are by referral only:
If you have dementia, then we unfortunately expect that your memory and other thinking skills will decline over time. Please contact us if these changes are putting you or your family at any risk or if they are causing any distress.
We do not usually retest you once you have a dementia diagnosis and we will instead focus on your abilities and support needs.
You can ring us on 0161 716 2792 for general signposting advice but we will need a referral from your GP before we can offer you any appointments or treatment.
We have redesigned our service so that we can be more readily accessible to you when you need us most. We will only discharge you if we feel it is safe to do so and this will not prevent you from accessing our service again in future as your needs change.
We recognise that problems can arise at any time and that we are not always available when you need help.
Our office hours are Monday to Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm and you can call us on 0161 716 2792 and ask to speak to any clinician for advice. We need a referral from your GP before we can offer you any appointments or treatment.
The Alzheimer’s Society run the Dementia Connect Support line 7 days a week on 0300 222 1122 or you can speak to an online advisor at www.alzheimers.org.uk/get-support/national-dementia-helpline/live-online-advice
Sudden changes in your presentation are often a sign of an underlying physical health problem such as an infection and are not typical of most types of dementia. Your GP can screen for infection through a blood or urine test.
The walk-in centre for Oldham is the Integrated Care Centre, New Radcliffe Street, OL1 1NL and is open 8am to 8pm.
Please call 999 in the event of a health emergency.
If you need to contact social services in an emergency outside working hours, call the emergency duty team on 0161 770 6936.
Memory Assessment Service
0161 716 2792
Age UK Oldham Dementia Service- support for patient’s and carers
0161 622 9312
Alzheimer’s Society Connect helpline
0333 150 3456
Adult Social Care (Oldham)
Normal working hours Mon-Fri 9-5
0161 770 7777
Emergency out of hours/ weekends
0161 770 6936
Adult Social Care (Rochdale)-
0300 303 8886
Adult Social Care (Rochdale) Emergency out of hours/ weekends
0300 303 8875
Making Space- dementia support and activities
0161 633 2403
Dementia UK- Admiral nurse helpline-
Mon-Fri 9am-9pm / Sat-Sun 9am-5pm
0800 888 6678
Silverline- 24 hour support helpline for over 60’s
0800 4 708090
Pennine 24 hour Mental Health Helpline
0800 014 9995
You can register online to take part in dementia research at www.joindementiaresearch.nihr.ac.uk or by calling Alzheimer’s Research UK 0300 111 5 111.
To see current findings, visit https://demruk.org/
Ground Floor Block 4, Southlink Business Park Hamilton Street Oldham OL4 1DE
Tel: 0161 716 2792
Email: oldhammas@nhs.net
Parking Available: Yes
Monday – Friday 9am to 5pm