Psychological Medicine in Primary Care in Stockport

We are an innovative service which supports people with complex or chronic physical health problems and/or mental health issues. We work in primary care at GP practices and focus on a whole person approach.

If you have complex health needs or persistent physical symptoms, including chronic pain, tiredness or conditions such as diabetes or heart disease, you can have a range of problems which may be directly or indirectly caused by your physical health.

These may include low mood or problems with your day to day life. This can be especially difficult when no clear cause can be found for your physical symptoms.

We also know that, if you have a range of mental health difficulties, you can struggle to get the most appropriate service for you - and may be seen by many different services without getting what you need. Sometimes you may have issues that are outside the remit of Healthy Minds (increasing access to psychological therapies/IAPT) services, but do not have the complex issues that a community mental health team would support you with.

We take referrals from GPs, professionals working in the integrated teams across Stockport, and from Pennine Care's access team.

Our team is made up of staff from a variety of backgrounds, including nursing, social work, occupational therapy, clinical psychology, liaison psychiatry and administration.

We work with you to identify and achieve your own goals, using a range of interventions. Our care plans are tailored to your situation and may include regular visits, medication review or therapy; working with other services or agencies (i.e. GPs or social care) to aid care planning and interventions.

Part of our role is to support existing services who are involved with people with complex health problems. For example, we work closely with other local services such as Healthy Minds, community and primary care services to provide supervision, training and case discussion.

We work in teams across Stockport, with professionals from social care, district nurses and third sector organisations, in order to provide joined up care to those who need it. For example, we work closely with local services such as Healthy Minds, The Prevention Alliance, The Wellbeing and Self-Care Support Service, and Open Door.

Please contact us if you are a member of staff in these services and would like to access this support.

If you are a client of our service, on our waiting list, and are struggling please use the following sources of support:

  • Contact your GP.
  • ​​P​​​​​​​hone the Pennine Care helpline on 0800 014 9995. It's available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. This helpline makes it quicker and easier for service users and carers to get the right support and advice you need for your mental health.
  • You can also now access the new Open Door helpline on 0800 138 7276. The helpline provides immediate 24/7 mental health crisis support for Stockport residents.
  • In an emergency you can present at accident and emergency and ask to see the mental health worker.

If you are a client of our service and your work with us has started, please also contact the person you are working with as well as accessing the above support. We understand that support from different people, services or phones lines can feel very different, so please do what feels most helpful for you.

There are a number of other organisations you can contact for support, including Samaritans, SANE Line, PAPYRUS HopelineUK, and MindLine Trans+. Click here for our helplines page.