We provide you with specialist mental health assessment and support if you’re aged 65 or over. We can also provide support if you're under 65 and have a confirmed dementia diagnosis.
Our team is made up of mental health nurses, support workers, an occupational therapist, a clinical psychologist, administrators and a team manager.
We work closely with the older age consultants who are also based at the Ribchester Centre.
We don’t commission social care packages for you or the carers who support you, but we can make referrals to any services relevant to your care.
Referrals are made via the single point of entry, who screen all referrals and direct them to the most appropriate service for your needs.
Ribchester Centre,
18 Parsons Lane,
BL9 0JT.
Phone: 0161 716 3850
Email: Pcn-tr.buryopcommunitymental healthnursingteam@nhs.net
Single point of entry: pcn-tr.buryaccessteam@nhs.net
Parking available: No
9am to 5pm
The following can make referrals via the single point of entry: