We're experiencing issues with phone lines for some services in Rochdale (01706 numbers).

Our network provider is working on the issue, but this may take a couple of days. Other local organisations are also affected.

Visit our page with alternative contact details.

Stansfield Place

We provide a rehabilitation service for men and women with a serious mental illness and range of other complex needs.

We aim to deliver effective rehabilitation and recovery to people whose needs cannot be met by less intensive adult mental health services.

We care for people with severe and complex mental health problems who are disabled and often distressed. Our patients are often or would otherwise be frequent users of in-patient and community services - they may also have been diagnosed with a personality disorder, or have a history of substance misuse.

Our unit can support six men and six women at any one time. We run a two year recovery pathway.

You can refer to us via the clinical pathway team.