Stockport Secondary Care Psychological Therapies

The Stockport Secondary Care Psychological Therapy Service (SCPTS) works with individuals aged 16 and above who are currently being supported by one of the Community Mental Health Teams (CMHTs) or who are currently on the inpatient wards. We also provide consultation and support to staff.

Inpatient wards

On the Inpatient mental health wards, service users can be referred to the Ward Psychologist by ward staff.

We support service users and staff with the development of psychological formulations. These formulations are a way of helping a service user and their care team understand the difficulties that are being experienced, why they have arisen, how they are being maintained, and what interventions might help.

Group work is also offered on the ward to support service users to work on ways to enhance their psychological understanding and promote recovery.

We also run staff training sessions and support staff via reflective practice groups, peer supervision group, de-brief sessions and one-to-one sessions to support staff wellbeing and signposting for further support.


Service users can be referred to SCPTS by the CMHT for individual or group therapy. Some of the individual therapies currently offered include:

  • Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)
  • Eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing (EMDR)
  • Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT)
  • Psychoanalytic psychotherapy
  • Clinical Psychology

The group therapies offer currently includes:

  • Everyday Mindfulness
  • Bipolar relapse prevention group

We also offer neuropsychological assessment where there is a mixed picture of cognitive difficulties (e.g. memory, concentration) and mental health needs.

CMHT staff and Psychiatry can also access support from our service via consultation, training and supervision.