This includes initiation and monitoring of treatment for Alzheimer’s disease (cholinesterase inhibitor treatment), post diagnostic information and support via in-house sessions, referral and signposting to voluntary and other statutory services.
You should speak to your GP about any on-going problems with memory and thinking skills first, so they can assess you for any physical or psychological causes for these changes. They will also conduct a brief memory assessment and refer you to us if appropriate.
All referrals are discussed in a ‘single point of entry’ meeting to ensure they meet the eligibility criteria.
Once the referral has been allocated to the memory service, you will be referred for a brain scan and receive an appointment for an initial assessment within 6 weeks. This appointment will last between one and two and a half hours, and will include a comprehensive assessment of memory, physical and mental health and any changes in day-to-day functional abilities.
You will then receive a consultant appointment to discuss the results of this, which will be within 12 weeks of the referral.
Depending on your diagnosis, you may be offered treatment with an acetyl cholinesterase inhibitor. Once stable on a therapeutic dose of treatment, you will be discharged back to your GP who will continue to review your condition and treatment.
We can also provide a range of information and support to you and those who support you, if you're diagnosed with dementia or a mild cognitive impairment.
We also offer a carer information session across a wide range of topics - please contact us for more details.
For out of hours support, please call 0161 342 2222 or contact your out of hours GP service
We've received accreditation by the Royal College of Psychiatrist Memory Services National Accreditation Programme.
The aim of this is to improve assessment, diagnosis and care for people with dementia and their carers. This includes timely and equal access to services, provision of evidence-based treatments, monitoring and follow-up.
You can learn more about us in this video below, which was made as part of an award nomination:
Etherow Building Tameside General Hospital Fountain Street Ashton-under-Lyne OL6 9RW
Tel: 0161 716 3449
Parking Available: Yes
Mon-Fri 9am to 5pm