In April 2015 NHS England introduced the Workforce Race Equality Scheme (WRES).

The scheme consists of nine indicators and requires NHS organisations to close the gap between the BME and white staff experience for each of them.

WRES directly supports the equality delivery system (EDS2) goals three and four (representative workforce and inclusive leadership including the Board), and indirectly supports EDS2 goals one and two (better health outcomes and improved patient access and experience).

We are committed to implementing and improving equality across the NHS.

WRES supports and will help in the delivery of three of the EDS2 goals:

  • Better health outcomes for all
  • Improved access and experience
  • A representative and supported workforce

We have already implemented the EDS2 and published its response. Our first WRES baselines report is available in the document list at the bottom of the page.

The aim of the WRES is to improve the experience of BME staff in the workplace. This includes employment, promotion and training opportunities. It also applies to BME people who want to work in the NHS.

Additionally, this applies to their experience of the employee relations process. This can be achieved by taking positive action to eliminate discrimination, harassment and unfair treatment of BME staff in the workplace.

The implementation of the WRES will make tackling race equality a priority for the NHS and for Pennine Care. It will allow us to provide focus on a number of areas including:

  • BME representation at Senior Management and Board level
  • The experience of BME staff in the employee relations process and NHS Staff Survey
  • The non-mandatory training and development opportunities made available to BME members of staff

The WRES is a tool to systematically identify gaps between BME and white staff experiences in the workplace. In measuring those gaps and taking action this will achieve:

  • Tangible progress in eliminating discrimination
  • Support in the creation of a positive working culture and valued staff
  • Improve the opportunities available to BME members of staff

Undertaking this in a proactive manner will create an environment where all staff can engage freely, be valued and supported, resulting in high quality patient care leading to improved health outcomes.