Please refer to our Privacy Notice for general details of how we process your information. This page only includes supplementary information regarding information use during the pandemic. You can read our privacy notice here.
The main piece of legislation that is being used is the Control of Patient Information Regulations 2002 (COPI). In summary, this required our Trust to process data where the following applied:
Click here for further information on the instructions to organisations for processing data in support of the national response to the pandemic.
To find out more about how our Trust and the NHS may be processing data to support the national response to the pandemic, please visit:
Under the COPI regulations, organisations across Greater Manchester have agreed to share patient information into a single care record, ensuring that no matter which health or care professional is caring for you, or in whichever borough of Greater Manchester you are receiving care or treatment, they have your most up to date information, so they can treat or care for you correctly.
The GMCR is not a replication of all your data held by all health and care organisations you are currently open to. It is demographics, medications, allergies, and important information that a treating clinician may need to know only.
Only authorised members of staff are allowed to view your information, and their access is audited to make sure the access was necessary, justified and proportionate.
Click here for further information about the Greater Manchester Care Record.
Further assurance work will be completed to ensure the GMCR can continue to operate lawfully, before the expiry date of the COPI notice (currently 31st March 2022).
We will record your vaccination status as part of your clinical record. It may also share this information with the National Immunisation and Vaccination Service (NIVS), which ensures that national records are up to date.
Click here for more information on the national use of data to support the vaccination programme.
To support the national response to the pandemic, including the national and regional lockdowns, we changed the way some of our services are delivered. For some services this is a temporary change, for some this may continue in the future.
These changes involved the use of homeworking and new technology (for example conducting appointments online). Where this is the case, our staff are provided with guidance and instruction on maintaining confidentiality and keeping data secure and safe.
Where new technology has been utilised, we have undertaken thorough clinical and data protection risk assessments.
Please refer to our Staff Privacy Notice for further information about how the Trust may be processing the data we hold about you as an employee differently. Our staff privacy notice is available on our staff intranet.