The Mental Capacity Act covers all sorts of decisions that affect people aged 16 who may lack the capacity to make decisions about their own care and treatment. It also allows for people to plan ahead in case they may lack capacity in the future.
This allows somebody to make decisions for you, if you're unable to make decisions for yourself.
Everyone working with and/or caring for you must comply with this act when making decisions or acting on your behalf. The same rules apply whether the decisions are life-changing events or everyday matters.
Visit the Social Care Institute for Excellence website to find out more.
Liberty Protection Safeguards were recently added as an amendment to the act.
Help and support
If you would like to discuss the act and its impact on you then you could contact the following:
Your consultant or community worker can help with any specific queries you may have. If you're not sure of their contact details, you can contact them through the service they work for. Click here to find service contact information.
PALS (Patient Advice and Liaison Service)
You can contact PALS by email, phone (with 24 hour voicemail) or through the contact us form:
Phone: 0161 716 3178
Independent mental capacity advocates are separate to us and can offer advice and support. Read more about the role and find contact details.